Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why Sundays should just fall off the week

Every week as soon as I wake up on Sunday I want to die. You see, I work as a retail sales manager for a frickin' huuuuuuge company. If you have ever worked in any industry that has to deal with the consumer on Sunday you know that they can be down right evil

It never fails on Sunday. People are usually angry, grumpy, rude and tired. You get to try and help them solve all of the problems that have accumulated over the week while simultaneously being ear raped by every problem going on in there life. The reality of it all is that like your employees on Sunday you also wanna be useless and recover from a monster hangover you got from doing tequila body shots off of your hot bartender, best (opposite gendered) friend who has a secret crush on you or, depending on your level of intoxication, everyone else in the bar (I warned you when we started this I was a damn heathen.)

My suggestion: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday

If I had two Saturdays the week would kick a considerable amount of ass. Friday and our first Saturday would consist of doing everything you possibly can to get permanently banned from both Heaven and Hell and the second Saturday would be used for complete recovery so that Monday would be fresh.

I'm pretty sure if I don't get what I want I will meet up with PrincessOfForks and get stabby on whoever invented Sunday.

That will be all thank you.